A picture of my littel Solder free Vmodder :)
It consists of 100 K Ohm+50 K0hm resistor, a print, a littel wire and a few needels.
**UPDATED**This is my Alfa version of the
"Solder free 6800 PCI-XVMOD"Just insert the 2 needle´s and the card is vmoddet!!
In the alfa version there is a ajustabol resistor that allows one to increse the Voltage and an OFF button.
The Beta version will consist of 6-10 different voltage levels operated via on and off buttons.Results :
325 Mhz core @ 540 Mhz core 3dmark05 stabel.
Vdimm mod will be updated soon.
The Blue wire is for Voltage monetoring :)
Se perliminary results below.